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Showing posts from December, 2014

Perfection in theory and in spirit…

What is perfection? How can you say that a person is perfect or not? Is there any criteria of perfection or it is just a chance that someone seems perfect to us when we see a person? The secret of perfection is in the secret of human existence…. Human beings are dynamic, their behaviors, their deeds and everything related to humans are dynamic in nature. This means they constantly change. This is also true in the case of perfectionism. What may be perfect for you might not mean perfect for another person. For someone a person who is understanding may be perfect, and for someone the one who gives maximum time is perfect. But one thing no one can deny that perfectionism is not static. Perfection is dynamic too. You might be perfect in your work, but may not be perfect in your personal relations. This is because the one who has the power to judge your perfection is not you. It is another human soul. And as mentality of a person changes from a person to person, so is the defini...

Change Thyself for the change you want to see in the world...

Who wants to bring the change???? Everyone!!! Who wants to change??? No one!! A very peculiar situation which is seen in the modern society from time to time. People in the country or the world at large always seem to crib for one or the other thing. They want the system to change. They want that everything should be in place, be disciplined and be as per the rules. They want no crowd anywhere. They want the police to come on time. They want the traffic to be reduced. People want the antisocial elements to be eradicated. They want drugs to be eliminated. They want everything in a picture perfect way. They want corruption to end. They want black money to be brought back… But anyone of the general public, if asked, what they are doing for it, will reply, “Why should I do something for an issue? There are specialized departments, NGO’s, ministers etc for the same? What effect will I be producing even if I start a change?” the answer, “IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE BIGGER...

Be tolerant towards art……

Art is something related to creativity, art is the skill where one uses his skill to devise something new, something creative. Art is meant to innovate, to show the world something new, art is something which have no dimensions. It is true that not everyone is an art lover, neither everyone has the capacity to tolerate art forms, be it paintings, writings, movies, music or any other form. The recent hype towards the movie ‘PK’ and Aamir Khan portraying Hindu traditions and god men as fake and useless is utter disgust. What I believe that Aamir Khan is an artist, the writer who wrote, Abhijat Joshi, is an artist, and an artist is meant to show whatever he feels like. If someone is not tolerant towards his/her idea, be kind enough either to ignore it or be silent enough not to let him/her feel bad about his art or creativity. An artist does a lot of hard work to present the world something new, in a new way, which the world is unable to comprehend with normal eyes. Anything that is...

Some Moments in life.....

Life is like an eternal tale. One’s life is divided in a number of years. Each year is a collection of months, each month have days and each day have moments. These are the moments which weave our memories. These memories are responsible for our feelings. Sadness or happiness, every emotion is due to feelings. Moment in life are sometimes so strong in impact that their impact keep on influencing our life for years and even a lifetime. Some moments are not meant to be forgotton and some are not forgotten even if we wish so. These can be the happy moments or even the worst moments of our life which keep on haunting us. Today, is one such day, which I do not know, is a happy one for me or a sad one. If someone would have asked me this question 5 years ago, it was one of the best days of my life. But this is the beauty of life and time. The same day, the same moment, but not the same effect anymore. One negative moment in my life was powerful enough to make this day one of th...

There is more to my writings than my life…

Whenever I am down to my diary or laptop or anything on which I can scribble, I have only one thing on my mind, to write something, which can touch any soul in a way, which he can relate to. Sometimes, whatever I write is related to real life experiences, but many a times, what I write, does not mean that I am expressing my feelings. Sometimes, some writings also can be by a writer’s pen to make the other one understand a point which is hard and painful to understand in real life. That is why a writer pens down a story, so that people should read and learn from the mistakes of the characters in the story. But many a times, it is seen that a person in the writer’s life or his known begin to judge him through his writings. I personally feel that I should be known by my writings, but this does not mean that if I make a point in my writing, to make the other one understand, I have to stick to it the whole life. The reason being, humans are dynamic and complex. Everyone’s life is ...

You are stronger than you think…

Life is a complex maze, where each single moment we face such a situation, when we begin to feel that there is nothing left in our life. These are the situations, which shake you to the core and make you suspicious about yourself. At this moment, you are the weakest person alive, you begin to think. All your achievements, rewards, talents and happiness in your life seem like a lie. You begin to question God and your destiny for the situation you are facing. These situations can be related to anything. Maybe you are unable to score well, or maybe you are suffering from the loss of a loved one in your life or maybe your boyfriend, whom you trusted to the core and believed that he would be with you for the rest of life, ditched you. Or you begin to feel that there is no future with the one whom you love the most. Maybe the society will not permit you to be with each other, or maybe, you both were never meant for each other. Whatever may be the case, this leads you in the mid ...

You are important like never before….

Life makes us busy as we move ahead. As we grow old, our responsibilities increase and with this increased load on our shoulders, we begin to get involved more in our own lives. We engage ourselves more and more with passing time and due to this, many a times, we forget to show care and love to the ones who care for us, or for whom we care. This situation does a lot of harm to relationships. When situations such as these arise, it is common for anyone to start thinking that a person is avoiding intentionally. But many a times, it is not the matter of intention but sheer coincidence that we are unable to reciprocate the kind of love and care to the ones who mean a lot in our lives. Today, I wish to make everyone feel, the emptiness, which you would feel without your loved one, whom you often ignore unintentionally. This may be because of increasing workload in your life, or lack of time to connect, or maybe because it had been a long while since you connected with them. It might...

When the path obstructs our movement

Our life cycle, divided in various phases, is like a flowing river. One after the other, there are turns, twists but it flows without stopping, till the point it meets the sea, like our soul meet the god. Our ‘aatma’ is just an ‘ansh’ of the ‘Paramatma’. Unlike rivers, which emerge as streams, high in the mountains, our soul, originates from the divine and merges in it. The holy spirit is our source as well as the destination. Life is like a cycle, starting from our birth, till the point of death, our existence revolves all-round the globe, our life, our relatives, friends, family, materialism, belongings, but in the end, our soul merges back to the holy one.   Like the river, that flows thousands of miles to merge in to the sea, our existence too, flows many years, in which we experience different scenarios, situations and obstructions just like the river. The river in itself is a strong force, which have the capacity to break any obstruction that comes in its path. I...

The love, without ethics…

This world, in the process of modernization, have adopted many ways, which in any sense, are not ethical, not even moral. Every aspect of a human life, is overshadowed by the strive to be modern and to prove oneself, more advanced than the other.  The discussions which were a part of closed rooms are being done on round tables, the things which were considered taboo, are being adopted with wide arms. In short, everyone is changing, the world is changing. But with this process, is it really essential to change our values, our ethics and our tradition. Marriage, since time immemorial, have been considered a sacred institution. In our country, it is the beginning of a new life when both the pillars of this institution, take seven vows which are to be followed throughout lives. Marriage is an institution, which stands on the podium of trust. The trust which a husband has on his wife and vice versa. Trust, you will say, does not build up overnight. To build a relationship of tru...


The sun rose brighter that morning. As I woke up, I realized there was a chilly wind blowing in spite of the bright warm sun shining at its full strength. I picked up my coat and started my daily journey to the local park. My body was used to a morning walk irrespective of the weather. Actually more than the morning walk, I was used to the company I got in the form of my best friend. Each morning we would rise early and accompany each other. Our each single day, started with each other’s company. And we both felt really lucky to have the one, who would be by our side, no matter what the situation is. Our bond started casually, I don’t even remember when. Actually we are friends from childhood, and with each passing day, we came closer and closer. It seemed we were not used to being apart even for a day. The conversations would last much longer than planned, and whenever we met, time seemed to be our greatest enemy. Daily duties never permitted us to spend longer hours with ...

The Time and Care theory….

Time is a resource, which is depleting faster than any other resource present on this planet. Because time once gone, cannot come back. We have all heard the famous saying that time and tide waits for none, but have we really thought about it? We all know this, but how many of us learn from this simple quote. It is true time does not wait and the reason I am saying that time is depleting much faster than any other resource is strongly supported by our everyday lives. Look at your schedule from morning till evening. You might be anybody, a student, a professional, a businessman, a teacher, a homemaker or even if you are not indulged in any of these activities, I am sure you would repeat the following sentence a couple of times, if not more, in a day. The sentence is, “Time nahi tha!!” or “I did not have the time to do so and so thing!!” I am sure every one of us use this sentence many times. The reason: Our lives, lately have turned out to be a lot more demanding than the p...

Not Being Up To The Mark

Have you ever heard your boss shouting at you for under performance? Or are you sad today because your teacher scolded you for not being up to the mark? It is natural that people get scolded many a times for reasons which are not truly associated to them, situations which do not arise due to them and things which do not come in the purview of their responsibilities. Whenever such a situation arise, it is natural for a person, to feel low. But many a times, it is seen that people break down in situations like these. Their confidence shake, their energies break and they feel like nothing is left in this world. This happens mostly when a person who is used to giving his/her 100% is accused of under performance. In moments like these, it is seen that it becomes really hard to make a person believe that it is just a passing phase of life and even if he/she had lost a battle, he/she can still achieve greater heights. It is the tendency of human race to always be worried about...

A new city, a new life….

Life in a new city can be exiting as well as boring in itself. Where at one end, you feel delighted about the places you would see, the people you would meet, the experiences you would gather and the things you would discover, living far away from the place you have spent all the years of your life till now, is a challenge in itself. Living far off all by yourself, excites every single soul, who have just left school and is waiting for higher education. For some, it is a golden opportunity to prove oneself, while for others, it may just be an opportunity to enjoy their lives in a way they had ever dreamt of. Be it any case, a new life, is not an easy thing to adapt to. You have to face a million questions and that too all alone, because you yourself are your own confronter. You are the culprit and you are the achiever. It is all on you how you take this opportunity. The problem today is, youth from smaller cities, rush to bigger cities, without a set goal in mind. And as we...

It is never easy to change your own perception….

Whenever life comes with a new challenge for you to take up, you always end up being frightened. This fear of facing the unknown, includes in itself, the danger of not being able to cope up with the challenge and losing in the end. This fear of the unknown defeat, delves deep in your heart and soul, that you start finding ways to keep your life away from any changes. You just want that your life should always be a pleasant ride without any shocks. The challenges presented by the destiny or fate or whatever you may call it, make you suspicious of your own abilities. The truth, as many of us know is, that a man never faces any such hurdle, of which he do not have the ability to overcome. In short, whatever you face, you have the solution, deep within your own soul, deep within your own abilities, and deep within your own self, just the matter is of introspecting your own self, to find your abilities, and to use them in a way, that you come out to be victorious of any hurdle, any tu...

The Unbreakable You…..

Life is a complex maze of tangled pathways and uncertain events. Life, at large is a school where each and every lesson we learn comes after an event, which can be compared to an examination at school. The basic difference between school and life is, that in school, we have a teacher to guide us, and in life, these events, experiences and life in itself is the greatest teacher. Life teaches us never to break down, but presents before us a number of events that makes us feel that we are unable to handle such circumstances, but the truth is that, life in itself pushes us to introspect ourselves to find our inner self and make our soul unbreakable by the circumstances and situations in this world. Life teaches us to stand up and walk, instead of sitting and breaking down. All the events which makes us feel broken, infact are the ones that make us stronger and self-confident. If you like reading such stories of confidence and strength where people never let themselves crumble in...