What is perfection? How can you say that a person is perfect
or not? Is there any criteria of perfection or it is just a chance that someone
seems perfect to us when we see a person? The secret of perfection is in the
secret of human existence….
Human beings are dynamic, their behaviors, their deeds and everything
related to humans are dynamic in nature. This means they constantly change. This
is also true in the case of perfectionism. What may be perfect for you might
not mean perfect for another person. For someone a person who is understanding
may be perfect, and for someone the one who gives maximum time is perfect. But one
thing no one can deny that perfectionism is not static. Perfection is dynamic
too. You might be perfect in your work, but may not be perfect in your personal
relations. This is because the one who has the power to judge your perfection
is not you. It is another human soul. And as mentality of a person changes from
a person to person, so is the definition of perfection. You might be perfect in
your eyes, but not in the eyes of the one who live with you or work with you. This
is just because different people in your life expect differently from you. And as
their expectations differ from each other so is the criteria of their
perfectionism for you. If you fulfill one’s desire,
you are perfect, else you
are not.
The same applies to me too. For me perfectionism is
something which a person can attain only at personal levels and not in the eyes
of the world. For me perfectionism is just the ability to fulfill everything
which is expected from you. If you are able to fulfill every desire which is
expected from you, you are perfect, and in short, no one is perfect in that
sense, because you can never make everyone happy in your life and you can never
meet the demands of everyone. So, if you feel you are not perfect that is just
because you are unable to meet others expectations, not because you have some
fault or inherent disability. If you really want to feel confident, create your
very own definition of perfectionism and stick to it. You might be termed
selfish when you would do so, but be very sure about yourself and you will surely
sail through this world happily and with the contentment of being a
perfectionist if you keep meeting up your own expectations from yourself.
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