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The Web Of Desires…..

“Mennu ehh vi Chahida, Mennu Oh Vi Chahidaa, Mennu Chahida Chahida Chahida…….”
(I want this, I want That, I want, I want, I want)
A human soul is the slave of his/her desires. As a human, I always am in the need of this and that, and more than my need, it is the want of anything new, anytime and everytime. The human desire is that feeling which makes you crib for something till a point you do not have it. And as soon as you possess the thing, your soul starts cribbing for another desire to be fulfilled.
These desires, range from having a big car, big house, huge money, success and position and a lot more. This desire to have something which you dream, has no end. Once you have one thing you start desiring something bigger. It never cedes away. Just make you restless till you achieve the thing you want.
We often see people unhappy, unsatisfied and complaining about their current life, for the things they do not possess. But no one is seen being thankful for the things they have. This desire is unlimited. If you have all the wealth in this world, you would have the desire of something or the other. No one remains satisfied for long, you too will not be satisfied if you keep running in this mad race of desire. This cobweb of desiring something or the other will not let you calm down, ever.
This means, this cobweb is a deadly disease, a disease without any cure….
What should be done about it? When a doctor is unable to find the cure of some disease or deformity, he/she tries to use the strength of the disease or the deformity to be transformed into a less deadly one, so that a person is harmed to the minimum. If someone’s blood pressure increase without any reason and do not come down, he recommends taking less salt in diet, to neutralize the effect of higher pressure in veins as salt increase the pressure. Similarly, we cannot make our soul free from desires, but we surely can use this disease of cribbing to our benefit, if we start having realistic and useful desires, the desires, which make our personality more favorable. It can be the desire to know everything, to increase our knowledge, to have fluency of language, to be well versed in an art, to be someone who helps everyone, to be a great motivator, to have success, but in a way that it do not harm other people and to have happiness and contentment in life, at last…. And even can have the desire to meet god at spiritual levels, to have their blessings and to seek their support..
By channelizing our desires towards the right thing, we can atleast use this cobweb to the best of our favor and to lead a happy, satisfied and a calm life, which we always dream of…


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