Many a time people take me wrong for what I am doing with my life. Living in an unknown city all by myself between people whom I do not know like the ones I have been seeing from my birth, make me a continuous topic of discussion among various people. I sometimes feel what is wrong with me, living my life as per my wishes. I am not making someone feel bad for what I am doing. I am doing it for me and no one can make me feel the way I am feeling right now. All I feel today is like everyone is pointing a finger at me for what I had did with my life, for having not taken the commonly travelled road of education and then higher education then settling down with a high paid job. But is it really the case with me? Have I taken the wrong path in travelling through the distance which is the road not taken.
Today I am all by myself. I do not feel the need of an external aid or support of any kind from anyone. Yes my salary package might appear small to many out there and the conditions I live in might be unacceptable to the high class society, but I do not feel encaged any way. I have the power of being free from anything I wish, at any time. I might be alone and all by myself, but I am not at all weak. If I can take such a step to frame my life as I desire, I can surely amass the courage to make my life even much better than it is at present. I might appear slow in my endeavor towards my dream and towards what others deem to be a successful life, but in my mind, I am clear as to what I have to do and what I have to be in the time to come. I might appear bad to many and many people might think I am mad doing all this all by myself. Why I am in a race to prove something? To whom I am proving all this?
But for me, it is my way of live…..
The way I wish my life should be…
Maybe I am a bit worried, maybe I am a bit frustrated… but in the end, I am satisfied with what I am doing, I am happy I did this….
Everyone should listen to his heart, and everyone should do something which makes him learn in life, experience unique things in life.
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