I have been confronted with this same question time and again. And I am coming through the same question once again. I realize that this is one question that has the answer to every problem and has the solution of everything in the world. When a person is sad, he/she is haunted with this question time and again.
Ø Who am I?
Ø What I am doing on this planet?
Ø Why I am doing something?
Ø Why am I not happy despite everything?
This is an eternal query of a confused mind. Why a person question his own personality time and again? Simple, he is sad, that is why a human mind is mad.
You are nothing but an infinite storehouse of energy that is meant to discover your true self. You are meant to be happy and you are meant to end this vicious circle of sadness that engulfs every mortal soul. This can be possible only if you understand the true nature of life and true nature of your personality. Your personality yearns for happiness, and that too, a happiness which is meant to last forever. As we all know nothing in this world is meant to last forever. Only change is a thing, which is eternal and permanent. So this means in order to be happy, one needs to understand that he can achieve happiness by only two things:
v Accept the changes that come into your life from time to time, and learn to live by it.
v Leave the worry of mortal world and learn to walk on the path of spiritual discourse.
These two pillars are the only things which can make us happy forever. Though, both are the hardest paths of attaining eternal happiness.
Q. How can we learn to accept the changes in our life?
A. By limiting our expectations from others.
Each one on this planet wishes to walk on a path, which gives his/her own happiness. Each one is continuously striving for one’s own happiness. And when a person thinks of oneself, he is unable to think of anything else. This means that each one in this world is selfish for own happiness. You can yourself imagine anyone you know, who is able to give happiness to others sacrificing his own happiness in the long run. Now do not give me examples of the great saints and the personalities like Mother Teresa. They were trying to seek happiness through their help they offered to others. They had their own path to be happy, and this might be a case that they were happy.
The thing I wish to say is that each one has his own path towards happiness and no two paths can match in the long run. When the paths do not match, it gives rise to discomfort, and discomfort gives sadness. When we learn to believe in someone, it gives rise to our expectations, and when we learn to expect, we naturally are making ourselves vulnerable to sadness and hurt.
Learn to be happy by accepting the fact that each one is working for his own happiness in this world and you too would have to walk on your own on this path, and the first step towards it, is the habit to accept the change in your life. Learn to embrace change and see how happy you would be in the long run.
The second path towards happiness, which I said to be the path of spiritual discourse is much more complex than the previous one, not meant to be understood by mere expression of a few words. It is definitely not about leaving the whole world and meditating in the woods, but it calls for living to fulfill your responsibilities while connecting with the gods at spiritual levels at the same time. Let’s keep that discussion to some other time, and lets pledge today to wipe off our sadness by understanding who we are and what we really want.
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