At points in life, often we are overpowered with a strong
negativity around us. Those are the days, when we feel nothing is happening in
our favor. We just feel we have nothing to achieve, and we are forever meant to
struggle and be defeated at the end. Every single thing it appears, happens
just to make us realize that you are not on the right path, and you should stop
putting efforts to succeed, because you are not destined to…
This happens with all of us, and this happens specifically
only for us.
But do these difficult times are any challenge, or meant for
something above all this? The difficult times are back breakers for us. Nothing
in our favor and everything against, every flavor it seems, is without taste.
Difficult times, like a mirror shows us our own image, but
the difference is, difficult times show us our true self, when we are gripped
in a cage around us. Like we see mirror, where it appears that our image is
confined to the boundaries of mirror, and there is nothing for the image beyond
that boundary, difficult times too are like the boundaries, where our
personality feels caged. And during such times only, we are able to see our
true personality, like we are able to see our own face when we are only in
front of a mirror.
The problem with human mind is obsession. As we see a lot of
people around us, who are obsessed with their own beauty, who love their own
looks and feel like always seeing themselves in mirror. These people are
strongly self obsessed and at every point of time all they have in mind is
their own looks and personality. They feel confident if they find themselves to
be beautiful
Similarly, the difficult times provides us the opportunity
to look at our own real soul. The problem with these times is people are unable
to take these times as opportunities. Instead they begin to see this as a
threat, which hampers growth. But the truth is, that difficult times are meant
to be the mirror through which you can discover your true self and once you see
your true self coming out of that mirror of difficult time, you will feel all
the very more confident about yourself being able to solve any problem or any
difficulty with ease and comfort.
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