Love seem to drench our soul like no other feeling. Love is
pristine, love is clear, love expects but love never demands.
Love is beautiful, love is serene, without love, what our lives
had been.
The thirst of soul, the loneliness within,
All is addressed by love, like a garden green,
Which soothes our soul, which plays great role,
No one is complete, no one finds his goal,
Without love in life, everybody just has a great fall.....
Love can be found in a moment but sometimes even life
seems short to show your love to the most special person in
your life.
Spoken words seems so less but in writing same words seem
to create a magical aura to bind one's soul to an evergreen
pool of emotions.
Dive deep in the pool of love with the best tales about how love
is found and changes ones life with the upcoming novel
'Drenched Souls' that captures the feeling of love in the most
spellbinding season that is the monsoon when the flair of love
inside everyone's heart rises to its heights and make everyone
feel the power of love all the while.
The Book is to be released soon and is up for preorder at
The book is up for sale on homeshop18 with COD and free
home delivery.
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