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The fakeness behind kind acts

‘For men may come and men may go, but I go on forever…’

In life you might have felt that often some people come as a savior who make us feel that we are the most special one who need care and attention to the core. People like these tend to show extra care and make us feel that they are the ones we need the most. We often fall prey to the illusion that these people will be present for us through all thick and thins paving ways for our success. They are the ones we completely rely upon with the passing time. People show us all the dreams we never thought will come out to be true. We are then captured in a whole new tide of optimism where we see others as the drivers of our destiny. Their each and every task starts having a profuse impact on our being. We start expecting much greater from them. With time, we develop a strange attachment with the person. We feel we need them. We cannot live without them. I am not just talking about the love-relationship stuff  but also of such souls who have lost dear ones and find others to support them dearly.

But all of a sudden as time passes by we realize a strange change in their behavior towards us. We begin to feel they might be preoccupied with something. We need their attention now and then, but they seem not to care about us, about our emotions, about our feelings and our life. We realize that we might have lost the person due to our mistakes. We then start blaming our own self for the loss. We feel we are not meant to be loved, to be cared for and to be needed by anyone.

But the fact is, often at times, we fail to realize the genuineness behind the acts of one who pretend to show that they care. Yes, this is a cruel world. No one cares without any consideration, subject to exceptions. But in general, everyone has a fake mask which they tend to show when they feel they can derive any benefit out of you. They are the opportunists. They seem like they are the best persons in the whole world. But try to find the fakeness hidden deeper in the folds of their personality. A genuine person will never leave you no matter what. He might be preoccupied at times but will surely revert back your care. He/she might be harsh at you at times, which make you feel that the times have changed but believe me they never change. They are the genuine souls who might be tensed about changing circumstances. On the contrary, a person with a fake kindness towards your being tend to be over cautious about every single thing till a point he/she will not derive what he sought. He will appear as the best of buddy, the best partner, the best help, the perfect being but in real terms he is as hollow as the bark of the tree that have caught termites.

It is very hard to judge the real care and demarcate it from the fake care as fakeness always clads itself in extra sugary syrup to catch your massive attention. But the point is, never give any person the key to your happiness. No one should have the right to turn you sad no matter what. You are unique, and you are complete. No one can make you feel like shit. The fake ones hide themselves behind the cloak of sweetness. Beware!! Watch Out!!! You are destined to be happy. You are meant to move on. No matter how much pain you see during your lifetime, people hurt you to the core, never stop. People come, people go, memories remain, events go. Never make your soul bound to any other, who might seem fake like no other.


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