Nature has long nurtured mankind to make it strong and self-sufficient, with time. It is only because of nature that we see all the development around us. It is the magic and miracle of the natural forces which let the plants grow and make it possible for us to enjoy the delicacies of food. It is the wind which makes us rejoice the wonders nature holds in its lap. But technology seems to fight hard with the miracles of nature, of late. As human brains are becoming more developed, they are resorting to the tendency to adopt synthetic, artificial and mechanized methods of doing everything. No more a person feel like connecting to the other one, except on facebook, linkedin or twitter. No more we find children playing up in the colony ground or run in the compound, enjoying the cool breeze which flows. The real togetherness has been overshadowed by a black veil of technological advancement, which is far more dangerous than anything present out there. Technology might have made the...